So guys, you finally made it. The 2 years of A levels, BTECs or the IB that seemed to drag on endlessly are over. You revised for your subjects, sat the exams, awaited anxiously while you cried yourself to sleep. Oh, you didn’t cry … yourself to sleep? Just me then, but the point is you passed – whether you received your results on the 5th August (Lucky Scotland!) or the 14th August, I as well as many, can proudly say we are going to university and have had enough bloody stationary emails to remind us.

For those of us staying at home for university, let us sit back, relax and enjoy the time we have left before we start waking up at 6:45am, hoping to get the 6:55am bus for a 9:00am start.

Yet, for those of you first year university students going to live away for the ‘experience’ (aka getting away from your parents), it’s time to get your act in gear. With some fresher events starting as early as 6th September and the unlimited amounts of booze, pub crawls and party excitement calling your name, it’s time to get ready for the next few weeks best known to you as Freshers week aka ‘Freshers months’. But remember, packing comes before all the fun!

Now, for many of you, a lifestyle adjustment is going to be made. With your parents no longer cooking your meals and making your bed, the time has come for you to stand on your own two feet. But don’t worry, that is where I come in. Just call me your Fairy Freshers – mother (it’s one up from Godmother so take it!), I’m here to help you with all your university needs, of the home and study kind. So, here are my top 3 tips on surviving the first week of Freshers.

(Unlike the Fairy Godmother, I’m not one wish away so don’t be calling me at 5am – I won’t pick up!)

Tip One – Pack sensibility

Wherever you will be living in the UK remember that, unlike The Proclaimers, mum and dad will not happily walk, run or drive 500 miles to hand over your favourite pub crawl doggie onesie. Only pack your essentials because university isn’t a fashion show (obviously excluding anyone attending a fashion-oriented university).

Tip Two – Protect those gadgets

Before dragging your whole technology collection half way across the country (including TVs, Play stations, IPods and that 2004 DVD player you dusted off before setting off on your journey), ask yourself this question: “Do I really, I mean REALLY, need this?”. If so, take your gadgets but be aware that while your accommodation may have CCTV, always be on the safe side. Insure those gadgets!

Tip Three – The kitchen is my friend

It’s ok, don’t be afraid. That pinging sound is only the microwave and that light coming out from below the cooker is the oven. Get familiar with your kitchen appliances; it’s the only way you will survive!

With a record number of people going to university, remember ‘We’re all in this together’. (Please ignore the High School Musical reference – we are university students now!).


Don’t forget to check out our freshers’ week guide here.