If you know me, you know that I’m monotone. For me, it can be both a blessing and a curse. It can lead people to believe that there isn’t much of a personality ...
Perhaps it is time to return to university campuses and rally against the ‘unnatural division’ of the continent. It’s worth it for us, Europeans, to revisit ab...
The news reported this week that violent clashes took place as protestors arrived to march on Parliament to protest against the rising student fees in central L...
I would like to congratulate UKIP on their new MP to the House of parliament. Jolly good show lads, you have proven to be a nasty thorn in the sides to our thre...
Students from universities and colleges abandoned classes and gathered in the grounds of the Chinese University of Hong Kong on Monday in protest of last month’...
For the past 8 or 9 months or so, Ukraine has been brought to its knees due to its citizen’s differences in political opinion. Many want more involvement with t...
There is a problem in one of the last remaining superpowers on Earth. Nobody trusts the people who are charged with protecting and serving their communities.
It appears that Britain is experiencing a serious political crisis – the falling turnout of young people at elections. Statistics suggest that around 56% of Bri...
On the 30th June 2013, marches took place in Egypt to celebrate a year of President Morsi’s rule of the country. These marches, however, turned into political p...
For decades Britain has defined itself as a nation open and welcoming to cultures from all over the world. Statistics show that the number of people w...
This isn’t directly related to the Jubilee, believe it or not, but I love bunting; no really I do and frankly the last week has been really difficult for me. Ev...