So it’s been just over a month since it was that time of year where we all felt it was necessary to make a few ambitions that we wanted to achieve by the end or throughout the year. I believe I’m doing quite well…

Here’s a review of my top ten NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS:

        1.Manage my time and make time – I’m getting there, and I know I am, just need more time…

  1. Motivate myself to work harder on my studies – Although only a week into my second semester, I am enthusiastic to the work I’m doing.

  2. To use my summer wisely – summer plans are in the process of being made. A few holidays are on the cards…

  3. Get fit – I have begun this quite well. My body may feel like its collapsing from the workouts, and with every step I take up or down the stairs I feel like I’m going to scream with pain, its getting remotely easier each time… Something that should be involved in getting fit, is to also eat healthy. I have been doing this quite well. So what I have my slip backs, like today, with buying a pack of cookies, a bag of popcorn, 3 packets of sweets, and a can of pop, but that was just today…

  4. Start going to gigs again – I have set up a new blog, part of one of my modules at uni, which is going to involve reviewing music, gigs, club nights, DJ sets, etc etc. I’ve got a few gigs lined up to start this going already.

  5. Take more photos/start working on more photography – I haven’t even attempted this yet, my bad.

  6. Reduce, reuse, recycle – if you can count clearing up the flat and putting all the empty beer and vodka bottles in a box ready to recycle, then I did that. As well as that, today the lovely Sainsburys employee behind the till began to bag my shop. Instead I told her I’d use a bag I already had. That was good of me.

  7. Volunteer – I haven’t done this, but I really want to again.

  8. Sort my Grammar out – This has improved, and is still improving.

  9. Explore Sheffield and its surrounding areas – I haven’t managed to do this, but in all fairness, it is only February…

I feel like January has been bad to me, but its now February, and I believe things are looking up. I want to stop wasting time, and focus on making time!