Approximating to the USSR which had its fears from the German unification, the other major powers opposed the idea of a unified Germany. The United States for example, preconditioned that a unified Germany should be part of NATO where as Britain denied the idea of a single German state. As Germany moved toward reunification, world leaders feared that a newly united Germany would threaten the security of Europe and Would Lead to World War III. Interestingly, Miss Thatcher of Britain believed that a unified Germany should be a member of NATO. She had also advocated Germany not to rush to unification and advised Gorbachev from the German unification which – according to her- would threaten the USSR, his position and Europe.

Accordingly, Thatcher felt that partly for reasons about Germany and partly because Mr Gorbachev should not be put at risk. She argued:“We do not want a united Germany. This would lead to a change to postwar borders, and we cannot allow that because such a development would undermine the whole international situation and could endanger our security”. Yet, despite her opposite efforts, tensions grew and series of events made the unification inevitable.Glasnost and Perestroika led to the break-up of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the collapse of Communism and the end of the Cold War. Spectacularly, the event which was considered the symbol of the German reunification and the end of the Cold War occurred when the Berlin Wall fall and other checkpoints were opened for free movement. In such, mass demonstrations against the government and the system in East Germany begun at the end of September and took until November 1989. The people demanded to open the border and this meant the end of the Berlin Wall as sooner other border crossing points opened the gates to the West by East Germans peacefully.
Surprisingly, after these events, the German Democratic Republic insisted on ruling 220px-Deutschland_Bundeslaender_1957East Germany again by offering new laws and reforms. Nonetheless, East Germans had already lost confidence in such government especially when markets had collapsed, subsidies were lost, emigration had increased and other political bodies got discredited. Likewise, another moral aspect has been introduced by the West German Chancellor “Helmut Kohl” who was a significant character in influencing citizens about the so called “German Question”. As he stood by the Berlin Wall, Chancellor Helmut Kohl emphasized the importance of a unified Germany under one history, flag, language and concepts. After this impressive speech, first steps towards official unification started and those included resolving political issues between Germany, Europe and the USA on the one hand. On the other hand, guaranteeing political and financial provisions to facilitate the reunification between the two Germans and this consisted of other negotiations and events. For example: the first Democratic elections in East Germany.
Finally after diplomatic approvals both from abroad and Germany, the reunification was achieved after more than 45 years of conflicts and continued tensions. Even though the reunification was far complex than it was anticipated because of the series of problems that already existed in East Germany, the demoralised population challenged the circumstances and believed in one destiny, one German nation. Indeed, the Federal Republic extended its laws and institutions over the two blocks and rebuilt the devastated institutions in the east. After these challenges, Germany became again one of the most powerful countries in Europe ; Germany has been expanding economically militarily and politically within the EU. Yet, the physiological and social differences still exist between East and West Germans, up to date.