The Twitter account @awfulreviews takes 1* reviews from Amazon and places them on posters from films we all know and love, take a look at the result below..


01 - Jq2IWn8

02 - eAyNlae

03 - PTSs6hr

04 - uM1a9la

05 - bWER8EK

06 - Kkov3hE 07 - 41cuC3o

08 - BRJPJbC

09 - ZdPpfaj

10 - ZD6W1h5

11 - cF3pb4g

12 - cVQF8II

14 - 3IKWvea

15 - 4kjCDek

16 - ZgBQfQL

17 - xpqWJxe