So you have been together since January, how has your fan base grown since you started out?
Significantly, F.O.X didn’t exist in January. We have had a good year, done a lot of good things. Playing to a lot of big audiences has helped grow our fanbase naturally.
You’ve just finished your first tour around europe less than 6 months after you formed, has it been a bit of a whirlwind experience?
It has been crazy, a mad year. We did a month in the states a week after we formed, a full U.S tour. We came back to the U.K and got news we were supporting a band on their European tour.
How did you manage to get the European and U.S tours so soon after forming?
I sent some demos when we were making the album, I never really expected to hear anything back. They really liked the tracks and so did the other bands which was great.
How did you guys meet?
Even though these band has only been going 6 months, we have been writing together for 6 or 7 years. Mitzie and I went to school together and we’ve known Pat forever *laughs*. We have kinda grown up together really.
How was your main stage appearance at Brownstock, the crowd seemed to love you, was it a good experience?
It was fun, it (Brownstock) has always been a cool little festival, we have done it in the past in previous bands. It seems to have really grown this year, it has a really nice feel about it compared to the main festivals and it doesn’t have the commercial vibe to it, but is still substantial enough to get a proper festival experience
What is next for F.O.X? Is there another album in the works?
We are working on the next album at the moment. September when we are going to be working on the album and October we are going back out touring again. We really hope we can release it the middle of next year, but it depends what comes up.
Keep an eye out for F.O.X. Follow them on Twitter or take a listen on Soundcloud