The big beauty brands have found a way of charging extortionate prices for cosmetics. I must admit, I’m partial to a touch of Chanel but I recently discovered, after a month of scraping out the last of my purple Chanel mascara out of it’s tube, that there are in fact cheaper and homemade substitutes! Here are my 3 favourite ones:
1. Volume de Chanel vs. M&S Limited Mascara
VdC retails at around £25 per tube and comes in varying colours, from the classic black to plumb. M&S have a mascara from their Limited Collection (the white packaging). And comes in Black, Brown and Plumb!Although it doesn’t look as luxurious as Chanel, it feels exactly the same IF NOT BETTER! And it’s only £5, for the sake of maybe a double coating it’s well worth the £20 saving.
2. Glossy Lips for Cheap
Add petroleum jelly to your old or cheap lipstick. This makes an amazingly moisturising and shiny lippy. It’s also a great way to make your own shade of lip gloss.
3. Fake Tan
For an initial covering of tan add 1/3 of fake tan to 2/3 of body moisturiser and rub into your body. It doesn’t have to be even yet. Wait for it to dry, maybe an hour or a day before you want your finished tan. Then put on thin layers of fake tan at a time until you achieve the colour you want. With this method you don’t need to spend lots of money on a bottle of fake tan, I find Aldi’s fake tan the best for a healthy summer glow. But if it’s the sunset orange you desire, Primark (or Primarni of you want to feel posh) gives around about the same effect as Fake Bake.