1. Singing along to a song, leaving the room, and seeing if you are still in sync with it when you come back:
2. Spelling “Wednesday” “Wed-Nes-Day”:
And “Beautiful” B-E-A-Utiful”.
3. Writing the wrong dates on projects so you look like a better student:
4. Saying “what” only to realize a second later you understood the person:
5. Thinking 1990 was ten years ago:
6. Forgeting the names of everyone you just met immediately:
…and hoping a friend gets introduced to them as soon as possible.
7. Cleaning your hands with the condensation from a glass of water:
8. Hating books with movie poster covers:
9. Throwing away the package of food, only to have to dig it out of the garbage seconds later to check the directions:
10. Wiping your cellphone screen so all the smudges go in the same direction:
11. Making a mistake while typing a password and deleting everything instead of just using backspace:
12. Wondering how many photos of random people have you in the background:
13. Despite being an adult with years of school under your belt, needing to recite the whole alphabet every time to find a letter:
14. Always stopping the microwave with one second left:
15. Always having to keep the line you’re reading at the top of the page:
16. Speaking to every baby or pet in a really high voice:
17. Thinking up soundtracks to a movie that will never be made:
18. Sleeping with a blanket regardless of temperature:
19. Having fictional arguments in your head:
20. And plugging this in wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME:
Every. Single. Time.